“Deep within each of us is an inner longing to live a life of greatness and contribution – to really matter, to really make a difference. We can consciously decide to leave behind a life of mediocrity and to live a life of greatness – at home, at work, and in the community.” __Stephen Covey
Leading ourselves and others well is a very important ability to have, this ability is a very useful requirement in whichever field of work and living. The qualities that empower that ability can be learned, gained and nurtured through intentional and designed ways.
In a location like Uganda, young people should acquire such lessons from institutions like schools or informally in families, communities and other additional forms of human development.
For the majority of young people especially those in suburban and village areas, and even for some in cities – developing as a whole and effective leader is close to impossible because of various limits; outdated system of education and ways of teaching, unfair traditional norms, wrong cultural practices, lack of present leaders living and exemplifying right, and also largely the lack of creative programs, activities and systems that offer and nurture good leadership qualities.
We intend to solve such a deep-rooted problem through empowering young people (children, teenagers and youth) by;
Children and teenagers – we Introduce, teach and facilitate these young people through experiential processes that help them to build basic good leadership strengths. Through our extracurricular activities both formally and informally, we break this down in their language, using tools like fun games, movement activities, teamwork assignments, placing them in basic leadership roles and more.
Youth – through organizing, coordinating and facilitating transformation aimed processes; we assist youth to develop genuine, principle centred, character-based, effective, empathic driven and modern-day acceptable values, habits, behaviours and practices in personal and interpersonal leadership.
Interventions include; onsite sessions, residential & non-residential camps, retreats, events, workshops, training, improvisational activities and tailor-made actions.
These can be fully virtual/online, fully live/in-person or hybrid (both online and in-person).